Friday, January 25, 2019



 Hello, glad you could make it! I decided to start this blog for a few reasons: 1. I am and have always been a story teller, and I have a lot of stories to tell. 2. I have a friend who just started her own blog and she inspired me to do the same. 3. As I said in the description, I have autism spectrum disorder (A.S.D.). I have trouble with things that come easy to most people (making friends, social behavior, etc.) because of my disorder. I hope that my stories can help people who have the same issues that I have had.
Before I get into writing this blog I would like to explain a few important things that you should know about me.


I am the oldest child of two loving parents, and I have three brothers-Ryan, Luke, and Josh. My mom and dad own an art studio in downtown Columbus. My dad's family lives down in Florida and New Mexico. Mom's family lives here in Ohio and New York. I tell my grandma everything and her dad was an active catholic deacon until he was 101. Friends  My closest friends are more like my sisters rather than my friends. We grew up next door to each other. Our families were very close until I drove a wedge between us. Over the years we grew to hate each other. After years of fighting I befriended the girls and they have helped me become a better person.


My high school had an internship program. The way it was supposed to work is as follows: Freshman year you would go to a site on Tuesday and Thursday in a big group. Sophomore year would be the same thing just in a smaller group. Junior year you would go to a site on your own and senior year you were full time (after Christmas Break). I fell in love with teaching my freshman year and was working at my old middle school by my senior year. This is my first year at Columbus State and I'm working to be a teacher.


I'm always singing and writing songs. I work at Kroger, and some of the customers have come to know me as "the singing bagger." It shouldn't really surprise anyone; for the last four years I've been singing in my parish choir. I will admit I am not as good as the others in the choir but I still think I'm pretty decent. On top of that my brother Ryan is in a band called Cousin Simple. I have watched him grow from this shy little person into one of the most confident people I know and I couldn't be prouder.

Sam's Fans 

Samantha McCarthy (Sam or as I called her S.M.) was this wonderful little person who could make anyone's day a thousand times brighter. She was always kind, she always put her friends and family first and she was always positive. She was even positive when she had to live in the hospital. She had a rare blood disorder called Fanconi Anemia and she had to get a bone marrow transplant. A music therapist would often come in and they would play music together. Unfortunately on October 15, 2009 S.M. passed away. In the wake of her death S.M.'s mom (Nikki) started a nonprofit organization that supports music and art therapy for kids in hospitals. While I haven't seen it first hand I know Sam's Fans is doing good for all the families it affects. The organization as a whole has helped my cope with the loss because I have become part of her family and that's something that nothing can take away. 

Sorry, I was rambling. I had to get all of this set up because most of the things I will write about have to do with one of these things. That's all I have. Until next time... 
                                                                        Have a greattastic day, 
                                                                  J. Mitchell Ulibarri 


  1. Awesome read Mitchell.I feel so lucky, to have witnessed some of your journey,in grade school, and briefly@ events when you were in high school.Looking forward to tuning in,on your blog.
    By the way, you have a great writing style.
    Much love, and admiration,

  2. Awesome read Mitchell.I feel so lucky, to have witnessed some of your journey,in grade school, and briefly@ events when you were in high school.Looking forward to tuning in,on your blog.
    By the way, you have a great writing style.
    Much love, and admiration,

  3. Great first post!! and you are right, nothing can take that away:) . xoxo

  4. This is awesome Mitchell! You are such an amazing person and I love that you will be sharing it with the world! You will inspire so many people just as you have inspired me! love you!! Aunt Melissa

  5. I'm so happy that you're writing! I love following all of your adventures Mitchell! Can't wait to read more! <3

  6. That is very interesting, Mitchell,I am so proud of you!

  7. Nice job man, hope that you write more soon because it really seems like have a knack for it!


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