Thursday, April 29, 2021

Season 4 Step 1 Blog 7: Book Rage!

 Book Rage!

Oh…MY...Gosh! It's been over a month since I last made a new installment in this series, but there is a reason! If you follow me on social media, you are undoubtedly aware that I was spending last month trying to get my book, "The Greattastic Adventures: Miracle Child," published. What a journey it has been!

The final push began in mid-February when my "sister" Arlo (Kid) started working on the front and back cover art. Now, Dad has an art studio called "Kobolt Design Studios, Inc." Once Kid had finished her part in March, I started working with one of Dad's employees to format and complete the cover. The employee’s name is Eoghan, and he was accommodating and spent a lot of time getting it to look the way I wanted it. Side note- just by sheer coincidence, Eoghan went to grade school with my other "sister," Arden, who is responsible for inspiring me to write the book in the first place!

I've been using Google Docs for all my writing, but the self-publishing website I used only had Word doc templates, and as a result, I knew I was going to need a little help. While Eoghan and I worked on the cover, my brother Josh and I worked on reformatting the manuscript. The biggest problem was we were having trouble accessing the manuscript on any other computer besides Josh's. I could open it on mine, but I couldn't see where the pages were as clearly, so I accidentally messed the entire format of the book up multiple times. A vicious cycle started to develop because when I would fix one problem, I would accidentally create another!

I guess what I'm trying to say is the last month or so has been incredibly stressful. I'm a writer- a storyteller… Formatting is not my strong suit. What made it so frustrating was that I couldn't write anything because the technical stuff was always hanging over my head. The moral of the story: Don't let anything stop you. Even if it's annoying and stressful and consumes all of your time, you will achieve all your goals if you persevere!

Have a Greattastic day and be safe!

J. Mitchie Ulibarri

The Greattastic Adventures: Miracle Child is available on Amazon now! The e-book is coming soon!
A portion of all proceeds will go to Sam's Fans.

Season 8 Goals And Dreams Blog 5: The Fractured Book Cover

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