Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dr. Mitch Returns

Dr. Mitch Returns
As I stated in blog 5: “Dr. Mitch (Happy B-day ‘Max’)”, the nickname Dr. Mitch was given to me by my friend Max, after I calmed him down. It was a nickname that gave me confidence,  and helped shape me into the person I am today. I also mentioned in that blog, (as the title implies) that it was Max’s birthday at the time, and I had gone to his birthday party. His birthday party was at the movie theater where he works. It was a fun night because I got to see him, his family, and another friend from HLC (all of whom I had not seen in years). But there were two other people at this party- A couple of my former teachers from HLC. 

Throughout the night, Max, the other friend, and myself were reminiscing about the “glory days”.  At one point I asked, “do you guys still keep in contact with other people from Haugland?” They rattled off a few names, and Max mentioned that he texts Kathy all the time. Kathy (or Ms. Fox as I have always known her) is one of the teachers that was at the party.

Now a couple months passed, and I was talking to my Nimba (Grandma), about how to get a little more publicity for the blog. At some point public speaking came up, but I had no idea where I would speak. Then I remembered that Max still talks to Ms. Fox. I texted Max, got her number, and we decided that I would do presentation for the high school kids.

That day came yesterday (5/17/19), and I was so excited when I woke up. I got in one last little practice, took a shower, got dressed and headed to HLC. It was really weird to be back, almost like I was dreaming. I could not get myself to believe I was back. Screams of over-excited children filled the school at recess, and teachers greeted me with smiles and hugs- It was like I never left.

After some minor technical complications, the presentation began. Within the presentation I went over three topics: how to get a job, how to survive college, and how to sustain friendships. When I finished the most amazing thing happened, the students started to ask me meaningful questions- they were paying attention! I felt like for the first time in almost six years, I was Dr. Mitch and it was awesome!
Now the reason I bring this up is because of what it is going to lead to. When Ms. Fox was walking me out, we were talking about me coming back, and I expressed my feelings about making a partnership with HLC. We haven’t worked out all the details, but we are going to figure it out as we go. I am hoping my partnership with Haugland will be beneficial to the autism community. I hope that I can live up to the title Dr. Mitch.
Have a greattastic day
J. Mitchell Ulibarri
P.S. I am also doing a presentation at Ohio State University Monday! I will make a video update that night.

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