Saturday, June 22, 2019

Can You Teach Me How To Dance?

Can You Teach Me How To Dance?
I love music. It is a huge part of my life because S.M./Sam's fans, my brother’s band, and my “sisters”. Unfortunately just because music is such a big part of my life, does not necessarily mean that I am a good dancer. One of my “sisters”, Aspen, (sorry for the constant name changes, I swear this the last one), has tried to teach me how to dance since we were young,  to no avail.

Two weeks ago (the week of 6/1/19) I asked my brother Ryan, if he would try to teach me. “I mean, I know how to dance behind a guitar…” he said. Mom, who had been listening to our conversation, told me that my Aunt Cyndi is an amazing dancer.

Now as you may recall, August and Arden (two of my “sisters” ) moved to Colorado, that same week. August left on a jet plane the Saturday before and the family drove Arden up on Wednesday. The plan was for their dad and Aspen, to fly back the Saturday after they dropped Arden off, and for their mom and the youngest, Arlo (Nicknamed: Kid) to stay another week. While the whole point of blog 16 “A New Adventure” is that you need to move on, and look forward, I'm kind of having trouble taking my own advice. As a result, last week I didn't want to go over to their house, because I didn't want to be sad.

I was at my cousin Alex's graduation recently and I saw Cyndi, I asked her if we could do something that week. Cyndi, her boyfriend, Jeremy, and I decided that bowling on Friday would be a fun. The whole week, all I did was watch TV, eat and go to work, because as I said before, I didn't want to be sad. I was waiting until Friday, hoping that bowling would be a good pick me up.

That Thursday , Arlo texted me from Colorado. She asked me what I’ve been doing that week, and told me that she knew I had not gone over to the house. I told her what was going on, and she told Aspen, who was right next door. Aspen called me and we talked it out. When we were done talking about my feelings, she asked me what I was doing the next night. I told her I was going out with Cyndi and she asked if she could come.

We got to the bowling alley, said our hellos, got our shoes, etc... When it was my turn to bowl, I did a little “shuffle” to the song that was playing. I was 100% sure that I looked ridiculous.  Aspen confirmed my theory by letting out a loud laugh. Now I'm used to her laughing at me, I am after all the comic relief of our little group… I don't really know what happened, I just sort of felt self conscious. Then I remembered what Mom had said about Cyndi. “Cyndi” I said, looking at her, “Can you teach me how to dance?”

“Really?” She asked, “You seem okay to me!” Aspen and Jeremy, confirmed that I was okay. The more I thought about it the more I realized I do that a lot. While in most situations I'm  overly confident, there are some situations where I just get really uncomfortable, for no good reason. I mean the situation I just described involved three people who are either my family or who I consider my family. Why do I do that? I think the best answer is, I'm human. I hear people talk about their social anxieties all the time. In fact, sometimes people come up to me, and ask me for advice on how to deal with anxieties. I honestly think if we are in situations like that, if we are with our friends and family, we shouldn't have to be worried about that kind of stuff. If we can understand that not everyone is thinking about how stupid we look, I think we can all “dance” with a bit more confidence.

Have A Greattastic Day!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri.

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