Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Season 2 The Coronapocalypse: Blog 13: Don't Wait

Don’t Wait

As time has gone on during this crisis, I've spent more time inside. Yes, I have been distracting myself by working on projects, such as this blog, and the podcast, but I'm still having trouble with the whole social distancing thing. I understand everyone really is, but I think I'm having trouble with it for different reasons.

In early December 2019, I had already decided what my New Year's resolutions were going to be. I was going to build a friend group. As you well know from earlier this season, I had a pretty good head start. It all started with Marshall.

I met Marshall through my “sisters” who as you all know, have moved away. My “sisters” and I had our own little friendship throughout most of our childhood and through all of our teen years. A big part of the season one blogs, was me accepting the fact that ¾ of my “sisters” were moving away. Admittedly that's something that I still haven't completely accepted, but I am definitely better than I was when they started moving. As I mentioned before, I met Marshall through my sisters. While literally, this wasn’t what happened, it felt like Marshall was kind of a goodbye gift from my “sisters”. A “ friendship starter pack”, if you will.

While working at Kroger, I met a blind man named Noah, who I started hanging out with. I introduced him to Marshall one time, and we planned to all start having adventures together. There was however a catch. Noah needed to have eye surgery done in February and March, shortly after I introduced him to Marshall. Marshall and I decided that while he was recovering from surgery (because he was not in Columbus for the surgeries), we would have our solo adventures. Then we’d start hanging out with Noah again when we got back from visiting my “sisters” in Colorado.

There was one other person who I did mention once, and who I planned to bring into my friend group. Her name is Anna. She and I went to grade school together, and we reconnected In January. We had breakfast a few times and planned to start hanging out more. My plan from that point was to start hanging out with everyone, together or separately. I’d continue to build out my friend group, from those three people.

That's not even mentioning, the friends that I have at both of my jobs. I'm upset that all of my plans have to be postponed, but there is a bright side to this. As many of you know,  this is the last blog I will be writing for season two, and I will be spending this time away from writing catching up on the podcast. On top of that, my hope is when this is all over, we will be in a new world. We will be in a world where people don't wait to do the things they want to do. A world where people don't take anything for granted. A better world then we left behind.

Have a Greattastic Day and be safe! 
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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