Can You Please Teach Me How To Dance?
I have talked about my cousin Austin from Orlando, Florida, before. He went to college here in Ohio, and after he graduated, he moved to Columbus for a job. I have not talked about Austin's sister, Paige. Paige has been in a serious relationship with a guy, who's name ironically is also Austin. I spent Valentine's Day 2021 with my "sisters" Aspen and Kid. That weekend was when the previous installment, "Groomsman," about my friend Greg asking me to be in his wedding came out. I worked the next morning, so I wanted to upload the podcast version of "Groomsman" that night, so I didn't have to do any work in the morning. As I was preparing to upload it, I got a text from Mom informing me that Paige had gotten engaged!
The following weekend Aspen, Marshall, and I drove to Pittsburgh to visit my other "sister," August. We left Friday night at 10:20, shortly after Aspen got off work. We arrived at August's house at 2:18 a.m., and after 30 minutes, we were all asleep. Aspen and I ended up sleeping in August's roommate's room because she was not there. When I woke up at 11:30 on my air mattress next to the bed, I lay there for as long as possible until I had to get up because I did not want to wake her up. As I stood up, the floor creaked, and Aspen sat up in the bed.
After everyone else woke up, we ate a late breakfast and headed out to explore Pittsburgh. First, we ended up at a shop called "Global Market Retail." It had cool stuff from all around the world, including a flute from India, which I decided to buy so I have another instrument I can learn how to play. After that, we went to a place called "Dobra," which is a tea house. I usually don't like tea, but I tried their chai tea, and it was amazing! As we sat and drank our tea August told us that she had invited her neighbor, Corrine, up for drinks later that night. When we got back to August's place, we turned on music, made mojitos, and August texted Corrine to come up.
When Corrine came in, August introduced us all, and we all sat down and started talking. Corrine sat right next to me, and as we spoke, the light in the room reflected off her hand and caught my eye. I realized that she was wearing an engagement ring, which reminded me of Paige's engagement and Greg's imminent wedding.
Eventually, a good song came on, and we started dancing. I'm not the world's best dancer, but I'm certainly not the worst. However, whenever Aspen is in the room, I try to copy her because she is the best dancer in our group. As I attempted to mimic her every move, I started thinking about how there's no way I'm going to survive dancing at these weddings without her.
"Hey," I said, "I know I've asked you this before, but can you teach me how to dance? I'm going to be a trainwreck at the weddings."
"Yeah," Aspen replied, "You know you're going to have to dance with one of the Bridesmaids right?"
"I'm sorry, what now?" I asked.
"Yeah, you'll walk her down the aisle, and at the reception, you'll do a dance together!" Aspen explained.
"Hhhhow did I not know about that?"
The girls laughed at my confusion, and then Aspen started giving me some tips. She told me that I tried to make it too much of a show (which admittedly is in character), and I need to be a little more subtle. Over the last week, I've practiced a little bit, and I've seen a considerable improvement! I'll be ready for Greg's wedding in June…
Have A Greattastic Day and Be Safe!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri