Saturday, April 9, 2022

Season 5 Who Am I? Blog 4: Don’t Over Think It

 Don’t Overthink It

Over the Fourth of July last year, Marshall, August, Aspen, Kid and I visited Arden in Colorado. While it was the best Fourth of July our group has had in years, we did have one argument…

“I’m just worried…”  Arden explained, “it feels like she’s trying to isolate you. She’s making you feel guilty for being here, she gets mad at you because we’re girls… look, if you want to keep dating her that’s your choice, but I think you're going to suffer in the long run.”

I mean, in Arden’s defense, it was a very toxic relationship. As you might know, within a month of Arden and my argument, Ishana and I broke up and by September, I got a restraining order against her. Though I was hesitant to get back into dating, my friend Noah encouraged me to “Get back out there!” Shortly before I moved out, I dipped my toe in by installing “Facebook dating” because while it's technically a dating site/app, I didn't think I was going to get any matches; because it's Facebook dating. To my surprise, within a day of installing it, I matched with a girl named Gabby.

Now Kid’s Birthday is March 7th. For the weekend of her 18th birthday this year to celebrate, Aspen and her boyfriend, James, came to town from Cincinnati. The plan was for Aspen and James to stay at Shane’s and my apartment. Kid would hang out with us on that Friday night, and after she left, the rest of us would go out to a bar. Kid showed up at 8:24, and I had just enough time to show her around my (at that point) two-week-old apartment before Aspen and James arrived.

We went and got ourselves some bubble tea, went to the local Taco Truck, and then returned to the apartment and hung out for a while. I really enjoyed it because everyone was vibing with Shane and I love introducing new people to each other. Eventually, Kid had to go home, and we decided we would go to a local bar called “Old North Arcade.”

I don't play video games nearly at all anymore, but I was really annoyed that in the town I've lived in my entire life, as a 24 year old I found out that there is a video game-themed bar, seven minutes from my parents' house. Aspen and I played “Dance Dance Revolution” ‘cuz of course we did! We all played a few other games, and I had a drink called “Tonic the Hedgehog” which I thought was a good pun.

When we made it home around 2:00, we blew up the air mattress, and we got ready for bed. When I was ready, I said goodnight to Shane, and then went downstairs to do the same to Aspen and James.

“Big dates tomorrow!” Aspen exclaimed after I hugged her, “Are you nervous?”

“A little bit.” I said, “when Arden and I talked on the phone this week… I told her about Gabby, and she's worried.”

“Mitchie,” Aspen reassured, “Arden is the mom of our group. Of course, she's going to be worried!”

“I know,” I said, “I've been telling myself that, but… I fought her so hard in Colorado over Ishana, and she was right… What if she's right to worry?”

“You're overthinking this!” Aspen said, “It's a first date! It’s not like you go from this straight to marriage. You have a ton of time to figure it out. If it leads to something it leads to something, if not, so be it. Don't overthink it and you'll be just fine tomorrow…”

Have a Greattastic Day and be Safe

J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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