Friday, November 11, 2022

Season 5 Who Am I? Blog 27: The Portal (Part 1)

 The Portal

In the first season finale of this series, I helped my “sister” Arden make a surprise trip back from Colorado for Christmas. From that point on, these surprises became a regular occurrence in our friend group, The Greattastic Adventurers, even becoming the main story arc of season two. In November of 2021, August followed in Arden’s Footsteps and moved to Colorado. By the end of January 2022, I knew that August’s (now ex) boyfriend, Ben, would be moving out to Colorado too, and it just so happened that he moved there on the same day that I ended up moving into my apartment. Finally, “the circle” as it is lovingly called is a cul-de-sac that is right outside my parents' house.

Originally I had planned to move out of my parents' house about a week before it ended up happening because the bureaucracy of getting approved delayed my plans. Two days before I moved into my apartment, Mom, Luke, Shane, and I, went to the store, bought a few things for my room, and then went to the apartment to open my mattress and let it air out. Coincidentally while we were there, August texted me and asked for my address and if I had moved in yet. I said no and explained the updated plan.

The following day August called me. At first, our conversation was normal but I could tell that she was a little out of breath. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah…” she said, “I’m in the Rockies, and it's so cold I'm pretty sure I'm going to die!” I laugh at the dramatic way she said it and that egged her on. She kept getting more and more dramatic until she eventually exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, what’s that?!” After a brief pause, she continued, “Mitchie! Go outside! I see a portal that opens to the circle!”

All I wanted to do was go to bed because I knew that moving out was going to be a big ordeal. As a result, this was a very rare occasion in which I was not in the mood for shenanigans. After she tried to prompt me for a little bit, the phone crackled and she hung up. I texted her to see if she was okay and she just continued to prompt me to go to the circle.

After about five minutes, Kid texted me. The text basically said that she was doing homework, but August was harassing her saying to send me out to the circle to see “a portal of some sort.” As soon as I read the word “portal” in Kid’s text, it all clicked. August was in town, to drive with Ben to Colorado and she had asked me for my address, hoping that I had moved in, so she could surprise me at my new place. Since I had not she had to come up with a half-baked slightly lamer plan.

“August, I know you're in town!” I said after she pick up the phone.

“No, I'm not, I'm in Rocky Mountain National Park!” she replied.

“Fine!” I said, “Send me a picture!”

She sent me one and it was indeed of her at Rocky Mountain National Park. However, being the genius that I am, I saved the photo to my camera roll, and it was time-stamped for 2:30 pm the day before!

“Oh…I didn't know you could do that…” August said as I ran out of my parents' house to meet her.

To Be Continued…

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