Saturday, June 8, 2024

Season 7 To Be An Advocate Blog 13: Emotional Reset

 Season 7 Blog 13: Emotional Reset

Over the two weeks between when Paige and I moved in together and me releasing the The Truth About War Of The Roommates trilogy, a lot happened. Just to get this out of the way, I'm recording the podcast in my parents’ basement because it's impractical to record at Paige and Kid’s apartment just because it's right off of a busy street, and we're moving to another apartment in August anyway. Because it wasn't exactly how I usually had to set up, I stretched my mic too far while recording and accidentally damaged it, which is why it took two weeks.

The day after Paige and I moved in together, Sunday, May 19th, we went with my family to my cousins, the Mitrey’s House, to celebrate Nicholas' graduation from high school. We ate, played euchre with the cousins, and got ice cream.

Now, even though I moved out on the 18th, my lease with Shane was not up until the 31st. In other words, I was still tying up some loose ends throughout those first two weeks. I was dealing with some of those loose ends on Monday, May 20th, when my childhood neighbor, Greg, texted me. He said that he and his wife, Temi, and their daughter were in town for a week and asked if we wanted to meet up.

After some discussion with Paige, we decided to have Greg, Temi, the baby, Greg’s sister Melody, and her new husband Rob over to the apartment on Thursday, the 23rd. It was really cool because, while Paige had met everyone except for Temi before, it was at Melody and Rob's wedding, so they didn't really get to know her, and we finally got to meet the baby!

Memorial Day weekend was Paige's annual family pig roast, and it just so happened that one of her cousins got married over the weekend as well. On top of that, my grandpa, Pop-pop, his partner, Sara, and my cousin Austin were in town, so there were a few family dinners at my parents. Needless to say, we were very busy, but it was really fun to spend time with so much family. The following week was pretty much full of recovering from the weekend, finishing stuff up at my old apartment, and being slightly stressed because I was a week behind in this series.

I know that there was not a lot for me to write about for this installment, but that’s kind of the point. See, a relationship is hard work for anyone, not to mention someone with Autism. With how intense my job is, the drama with Shane, and how stressed I was, I had to work extra hard on my relationship with Paige, and as a result, I started slacking in my other relationships. Now that the war of the roommates saga is more or less behind me, I can finally take a breath and emotionally reset.

To that end, I have two general goals for this summer. 1. I want to work on my relationship with Paige while living together. 2. More to the point, but not completely unconnected, I want to take time for the other people in my life as well.

Have a Greattastic Day and be safe!

J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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