Monday, August 5, 2019

Japan part 2: Chance of a Lifetime

Japan part 2: Chance of a Lifetime

I have had a rough summer. It all started about a month and a half before finals week. I met this girl, and we started doing a lot of studying together. No matter how hard I tried, and no matter how much help both this girl and my family/friends tried to give me, I just couldn't get it. I started doubting everything about myself. 

At last, I took my final test, and passed…if only by a little bit. As summer started I was really thinking that maybe college wasn’t for me. I didn't tell anyone what was going on because I was afraid that admitting these fears would make me a failure. But then a month ago, the summer picked up.

As you may recall, Cousin Simple played in Nashville. The show was awesome and they got a lot of recognition (more on that later). Directly after Nashville, my family went on a vacation with my cousins. I was home for 4 days and I went to Florida to see my friend. As a result I was on a travel high, and I was feeling better then I had felt all summer. Unfortunately, that was going to come to an end. 

As soon as I got home all these fears came back stronger than they had been before. I was in tears every single day last week, because I had no idea what I was going to do. I talked to my family and one of my “sisters”, Aspen. I was also writing and praying a lot, but I was still freaking out.

Last Monday I went out to my “sisters” house because Aspen had been locked out, and Arlo (the youngest of my “sisters”) was not home. We walked into the kitchen, and on the counter was a note from their mom. It said “Out to lunch with Renee!” We had totally forgotten that her family was back from Japan for the week!

About an hour later, they came back to the house, and happy tears were shed by everyone. We told her how the older girls with doing in Colorado, and how they were coming back at the end of the week (more on that later), so she would be able to see them on Friday with the kids. Eventually the conversation switched to how I was doing. 

Aspen looked at me, curious to see what I would say. I decided I might as well say something, so I told them everything. When I was done talking, Renee said, “You know I think you would be a good teacher at the schools in my area of Japan.” I kind of laughed her off at first… I mean, think about it, it is a really funny concept: Me, a person who barely knows what he's doing in America, cut loose in Japan. But she started talking about it and I think it would be really cool.

So this next semester I'm going to be learning Japanese on my own, and bettering myself! I know that there is a lot of risk in doing this. I understand all the things that could go wrong, but if I don’t try, I know I will regret it for the rest of my life! However, in the event that it just doesn't work out, I do have a few other things ready just in case. I will keep you guys informed when I get more information.
Have A Greattastic Day!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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