Saturday, August 24, 2019

Know you are Loved

Know you are Loved

As many of you may know, last Monday was Mitchmas. What’s Mitchmas, you might ask… well, that’s what I call my birthday….don’t judge me, lol.

Over the summer two of my four “sisters” were in Colorado. August, the oldest, went for a summer job as a camp counselor. Arden, the second oldest, got a full-time job as a sonographer. Now because August was at a camp, she didn’t have WiFi a lot. As a result, I only face-timed/called her three times over the whole summer. 

About a week before she came back, August asked if we could facetime, I said yes and I started to walk upstairs to so we could talk. Mom asked me where I was going, and I explained. 

We talked for about an hour, about all the crazy things that had happened to us over the summer. As she continued to talk, I laughed harder and harder. When we were done I went back downstairs into the kitchen. 

On the countertop was mom’s phone, and as soon as I walked past it she got a text. I would have walked right past, except I recognize the name immediately. It was Arden.

“Mama,”  I asked, “why are you texting Arden?”

“Oh!” she exclaimed grabbing her phone from the countertop, “I asked her what was going on upstairs  because you were going crazy!”

When I went to bed that night I started thinking about the events of the night and realized something was up. I had told mom that I was talking to August specifically… mom would not have texted Arden to figure out what was going on because Arden didn’t know. But I kept my mouth shut (which admittedly is out of character), and moved on with my life.

Every year Arden makes a birthday video for me. It’s a collection of pictures and videos from the past year, and all the adventures we have been on. On Monday, Arden emailed it to August and me. August hooked her computer up to the TV, and August, Arlo (the youngest sister), Arlo’s best friend, and I sat down to watch. (Our other sister moved to Florida, but we face-timed Arden).

The first four minutes were pretty standard for a birthday video, but then Arden came on the screen, and started talking. She explained that she had gathered video clips from people who have been touched by my life, telling me why they love me. They were people in my family, to people in my brother’s band, to a former student, even S.M’s mom and brother made an appearance. It was awesome!

I’m not gonna say I didn’t know I touched these people’s lives, but I didn’t really think about it. I’m writing about this because everyone could have one of these videos made about them. Everyone touches someone else’s life in some way. Know you are loved by everyone around you!

Have a Greattastic Day
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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