Saturday, July 25, 2020

Season 3 The Empire of Friends Blog 8: NEOWISE


On March 27th, 2020, NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-Field Infrared Explorer, or NEOWISE, discovered a comet that can only be seen from Earth every 6,800 years! About four months later, "Comet NEOWISE" Finally made its pass over the Earth. I'm not really that into science, so I didn't know about this Comet until my family went to see it.

I was in my "sisters'" backyard, Mom heard me talking to Rich. She texted me and told me to ask him if he had a telescope because ours was missing a piece. I asked Rich and he gave me a mini telescope that he had.

At 8:30 p.m., Mom, Dad, and my brothers, Ryan, Luke, and Josh, piled into the car and drove to a place called Alum Creek Dam. Mom and Dad told us to go find a spot on the top of the dam and set up our tripod while they found a parking spot.

The boys and I ran to the top, found a spot, set up the tripod, and waited for Mom and Dad to arrive. When Mom and Dad found us, we sat down in the blankets that Mom brought and waited.

Around 10:20, Ryan said he saw it through his binoculars. Shortly after, Luke Josh and Dad said they did too. Mom and I were left confused. Eventually, with a little bit of help from everyone else, Mom found it.

Because everyone had found it, they just kind of assumed that I'd found it too. I was getting incredibly frustrated because it's something that will never happen again in my lifetime, and I didn't want to miss out. Mom asked if I saw it. Everyone tried to help me find it on my own, but I just couldn't do it.

"Okay," Luke said, "come over here!" I walked over to him, and he continued. "See those brake lights on that car off in the distance?"

"Yes," I said.

"Take my binoculars and look up very slowly, starting from the brake lights."

I did it, and I eventually found the Comet! At first, I thought I was just looking at three stars that happened to make a triangle until I noticed that the top point of the triangle had a tail.

Challenges tend to arise in life. Sometimes the problems are so overwhelming that you just want to give up. But, you can't give up because if you do, you miss the reward of succeeding! Persevere through all the struggles of life, and you will see amazing things.

Have a Greattastic day and be safe!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Season 3 The Empire of Friends Blog 7: Just Her Luck!

Just Her Luck!

I have been working at a Kroger grocery store for two and a half years now. A month into my employment, I made a friend named Lily. Lily started as a bagger like me, but she was soon promoted to cashier.

Our friendship works because we're both sarcastic people, but in general, I'm more of a dreamer, while she is more of a realist. In other words, we balance each other out. We've been on many adventures while working, including one time when we accidentally broke the sliding glass doors at the front of the store. She has saved my job countless times because whenever I'm about to do something wrong, she gives me a look, and I know to rethink my decision. However, I have only saved her job once.

When COVID-19 hit Ohio, I told my boss that I couldn't come to work for a while because I have asthma, and my brother Ryan was staying at my house for the quarantine. For those of you who aren't aware of this, Ryan has a lung that is very prone to collapsing. When the lockdown ended, I returned to work.

I was working the Thursday night shift as I always do. Lily was off that night, but she and one of her friends came into the store. I was taking out the trash by the front door when they came in. When I saw them, we talked for a minute or so. I finished taking out the trash, helped to bag, and went outside to get carts for 30 minutes. As I walked into the parking lot, I saw Lily and her friend get into Lily's car.

When I went back inside, I asked if I could go on my 15-minute break. My boss said yes,  and after clocking out, I went to the break room. Sitting at one of the tables was one of my other coworkers, Stan.

"Hey," He asked me, "You talk to Lily outside of work, right?"

"Yeah? Why?"

Stan then told me that he had been working at the self-checkout when Lily and her friend came up. Lily was buying a few snacks, and her friend had a lighter. Stan had turned around to help another customer, and when he looked back, Lily, her friend, and the lighter were gone!

I immediately called Lily, who thankfully answered right away. I told her that her friend stole the lighter, and Lily explained that her friend thought the lighter was cool, and she was going to buy it. But they realized that they had to be over 18 to get it, so the friend put it down and Lily bought her snacks and left.

"Well, where did she put it down?" I asked frantically, "If we don't find this, they're going to fire you!"

"She said it's in apparel!" Lily replied.

"Why would she put it…" I took a deep breath, "Doesn't matter. I'll find it!" After searching all over the apparel, however, I still couldn't find it. I asked her where they were, and she said they were on the way.

"Okay, where is it?" I asked the friend when they got back to the store.

"I'll show you!" She took us to a table that I had overlooked, and there was the lighter! Lily asked me If I wanted her to take it up to the service desk with me, and I said I would handle it because I didn't want it to look like they had stolen it and then come back to the store.

After I returned the lighter, I called Lily back and told her everything was okay. She thanked me, and I continued with my night.

Miscommunication is something that everybody has experienced at one point or another in their life. It is stressful for everyone involved. Having someone by your side to get you through it can reduce the stress of the situation and potentially save you!

Have a Greattastic day, and be safe!!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Season 3 The Empire of Friends Blog 6: That Ol’ Friendship Laughter

That Ol’ Friendship Laughter

I initially introduced my friend Noah at the very beginning of season two. For those of you who don't know, here's a little refresher of how I met him:

I am a bagger at the local Kroger grocery store. One day, in October of last year, I was working and my boss asked me if I could help the blind man who was standing at the service desk. The blind man was Noah. Over the course of the shopping trip, I got to know him quite well. He's 27 years old, he’s a musician (and a very talented one at that), and he has dreams of playing on the paralympic soccer team in 2028!

At the end of the shopping trip, Noah asked me if he could have my social media information. He DM’d me about a week later, and we had coffee. We talked about our lives and our respective disabilities and bonded over similar struggles that we have both had. After having coffee a few more times, I texted him on Christmas Day and I asked him if he wanted to hang out again in January.

I went to his apartment on Martin Luther King Day 2020, and I asked him if he wanted to meet my friend Marshall. He said yes, but our adventures would have to wait because he was having surgery on his eyes, in February and March.

When COVID-19 hit, all of our plans changed (understandably). Marshall moved to Colorado for a summer job, and Noah and I couldn't see each other. As the world slowly starts to open up, Noah and I have been hanging out again.

 I'm working on a top-secret project and next month I'm announcing it. This is what Noah and I have been working on when we hang out.

I wrote a song to start off a “3 Day Announcement Bonanza”! My brother Ryan is going to help us record it, and my brother Luke is going to help us record a music video. I've been riding my bike to Noah's house every Saturday after I get off work to practice.

We've had a lot of fun working on this together. Some would say a little too much fun. Every single practice almost always ends with us laughing hysterically. For example, a couple practices ago I took a drink of Gatorade. Coincidentally, as soon as my mouth was full, Noah cracked a joke. The Gatorade spewed out of my mouth and nose, and all over my clothes. I don't know why it was so funny, but when I told him what happened we both just lost our minds. But isn't that what friendships are about? Laughing about stuff that isn't really hilarious, but the comedy is amplified because of the people you are with? I can't wait to have many more laughs with Noah!

Have a Greattastic day and be safe!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Season 3 The Empire of Friends: Blog 5: Kobolt's Red White & Boom Party!

Kobolt’s Red White & Boom Party!

My parents own and run an art studio called Kobolt Design Studios. They design and fabricate, murals, sculptures, artwork…just about anything, honestly. In fact, Dad helped me design the logo that I use for Rules For A Greattastic Life!

In 2006, Mom and Dad bought a new building for the studio near downtown. At the time it was in a very sketchy area, but the building itself was exactly what they were looking for. The building is about a mile from a place called COSI (Center of Science Industry). Every year on July 3rd, at 10 p.m, fireworks are launched from a spot near COSI, in an event that is called Red, White, and Boom! That year knowing that Red, White & Boom was happening, Dad had an idea!

Dad took a 9-year-old me, my 7-year-old brother Ryan, and our neighbor and family friend Steven and his girls, to the studio at about 9:45. He pulled out a tall metal ladder and leaned it against the side of the building. We all climbed up the ladder with Steven and his girls first, Ryan second, me third, and Dad last.

My legs were shaking the whole time I was climbing up was terrifying! We got to the roof just in time. I'd seen fireworks before, but I'd never seen fireworks from that high before! It was so cool, especially for a 9-year-old!

From that point on we went studio each year, slowly growing the number of people that came as we went. By the third year Mom was coming, we had invited another family, and we had upgraded from a ladder to a scissor lift. At one point so many people were coming that the next year we had to downsize the guest list because Mom was getting worried that there were too many people on the roof. I usually run the scissor lift, and it's really fun for me because sometimes, I stopped the scissor lift midway down, yell, “Oh crap!”, and scare everyone half to death!

Obviously, because of COVID-19, Red White & Boom is not happening this year, which really, really stinks! The whole situation in general stinks… but now it's messing with a family tradition, and it just throwing me off. All I can do is hope and pray that next year this is all gone, and we can once again go to the Kobolt Red White & Boom Party!

Have a Greattastic Independence Day and be Safe!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Season 8 Goals And Dreams Blog 4: Box Seats + Nimba

  Box Seats + Nimba In the first blog I ever wrote, I said, “I tell my grandma everything.” I never really had a chance to expand upon that ...