Saturday, August 28, 2021

Season 4 Step 1 Blog 17: Mitchmas (24) Part 1: Thankful For Friends And Family

 Mitchmas (24) Part 1:Thankful For Friends And Family

Confession time! When I write a story based on my life, sometimes I do not tell the entire truth. I sensor or change things either to make the story flow better or for the privacy of an individual. I am telling you this now because you need to understand something that happened, but I can't tell you the whole story. I haven't made an installment in a couple of weeks and the reason is that I broke up with my girlfriend, and things got pretty nasty.

I call my birthday “Mitchmas” because it's such a good pun. Ishana and I broke up on August 5th and Mitchmas is August 19th. The two-week period between those two events was emotionally draining.

I left New Story at about 4:00 on Mitchmas. When I got into my car I texted Aspen and asked her if she wanted to get coffee. We met at Crimson Cup and we talked about our weekend plans. “So,” Aspen explained, “Ben and I will pick you up tomorrow around 6. We will hang out a bit at Marshall's house and then on Saturday... we have a plan.” I was intrigued but knew that Aspen would not give anything else up.

Aspen had to leave for work, but I told her she and Kid could come over for presents and cake later that night. After she left, I drove to Noah's house and we hung out until it was time for us to go to dinner with my family.

We went to an Italian restaurant called Buca di Beppo. After we had eaten, we went back to my house and I called Aspen and Kid to tell them we were home. When they got there I opened some presents and we ate cake.

All things considered, it was a pretty mellow day, especially in comparison to what happened the coming weekend, but it was still fun. It was the first time in those last two weeks that I had felt even relatively calm. I'm so thankful to my friends and family who made my birthday enjoyable!

To Be Continued...

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