Monday, August 30, 2021

Season 4 Step 1 Blog 19: Mitchmas (24) Part 3: Initiation Island

 Mitchmas (24) Part 3: Initiation Island

I entered the forest on the island, and I looked around. There was a fire pile setup, and directly in front of it was a ton of small stones organized in the shape of an airplane under an arch. I sat down and opened my cinch sack. Inside was a note on top of a pile of stuff. The note read, "Welcome to Initiation Island! In this bag you will find a mosquito net-suit, matches, a bottle opener and a water bottle. Clue 1: Look to the trees to find your way."

I put on the mosquito net-suit, looked up, and immediately recognized Marshall's orange shovel hanging from a tree. As I got closer, I noticed there was a second note on the shovel. Before I could read it out of the corner of my eye, I saw a neon headband. I turned around just as Marshall emerged from the trees behind me. "What are you doing here?" I asked, "I thought you had a work thing!"

"No, that's the real Marshall." He replied, "I'm your spirit guide."

I laughed at that and then continued on my quest. The second note read, "Clue 2: In the water there are leeches- So no escape each other beaches. You must find the treasure on THIS island. Look for the pile of rocks." I started digging at the "airplane stone pile." After going a few inches down, I realized that there was nothing there.

"You know for a spirit guide you're not that useful." I said to Marshall, who was sitting in a meditative position.

"You haven't asked any questions." He replied.

"Is this the right spot to be digging?" I asked.

"No." He answered.

I rolled my eyes and continued hunting around until I found another pile of rocks. Under this pile, I found a box that had a third clue on it. "Clue 3: Boy drink up! Inside this box is everything you need to send us the signal. Once you leave this island, you leave behind your 23rd year never to return. You are officially 24! So make some noise & enter this new year of your life! Don the gear inside so we can recognize you as you hatch into this year!"

Inside the box was a bottle of beer, two bottle rockets, and, most importantly, was a chicken headband and elastic beak. "'Hatch into this year'!" I laughed. "You guys are ridiculous!"

I drank the beer, put on the chicken suit, and (with some assistance so I didn't blow myself up) launched the bottle rockets! I could not stop laughing because, okay, fine, a scavenger hunt on an island, that's fun. But what the heck did the chicken suit have to do with anything?!

Have a Greattastic Day and Be Safe 

J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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