Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Special: Night Before Christmas (Greattastic Edition)

 Christmas Special: Night Before Christmas (Greattastic Edition)

Twas two days before Christmas when all through my town, the temperature dropped, and snow floated down. Ryan had come home from Chicago, you see, to spend the holiday with my family and me! We played tons of games, and good times were had, but none were outside cuz the weather was bad.

On the day before Christmas, we mapped out our day to try to keep stresses far, far away! We cleaned up a bit cuz "Santa was coming" and headed to church at 5:30 something. We sang Christmas carols all throughout Mass, and everyone there was dressed with some class. We couldn't stop singing as Dad drove us home; we're a very musical family, don't you know?

He parked the car, and we dashed through the snow, for my brothers, and I knew exactly where to go! With me on piano and Josh on his drum, Ryan and Luke grabbed their guitars and started to strum. We played "White Christmas," and I'll tell you this, with a bit of practice, man, it was bliss!

When dinner was ready, we went and said grace, and when we had finished, we filled up our plates. We ate and told stories, and like Christmases past, we hoped that this holiday season would last.

I'm telling you this for one simple reason; in fact, it's at the heart of this holiday season. Love those around you and enjoy their company, cuz to be happy, that's really all you need! For if we choose to love and to be kind, we will all indeed lead Greattastic Lives! Before I go, I just need to say Rules for a Greattastic Life will Return on New Year's Eve day!

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