Thursday, November 30, 2023

Season 6 Whats The Dream? Blog 29: Swimmer’s Ear Update

 Swimmer’s Ear Update

Growing up, I was notorious for getting ear infections. I probably had one every couple of months, and it got so bad that I needed to get tubes put in 3 times. In 2019, my immediate family and my cousin’s family, the Mitreys (Aunt Melissa, Uncle Andy, Alex/his girlfriend Emma, Maci, Nicholas, and Ellie), went on a vacation to Hatteras, North Carolina. At one point, Ryan, Nicholas, Josh, and I had a chicken fight. Nicholas and I were the tops, and as we were roughhousing, Nicholas grabbed my head and slammed it into the water, right ear first. Ever since then, I've been having complications with my right ear whenever I go into the water.

Last Summer (2022), my family went on a trip to the Mitrey's Lake House in Norris Lake, Tennessee. On the first day, I went tubing and fell off the tube. A wave crashed on the right side of my head, and you guessed it, my ear filled up with water. I ended up getting an ear infection, and I was miserable the entire week. Everything I have just explained was in the original Swimmer's Ear installment (in fact, the first paragraph is copied and pasted from that).

Now the thing that I focused on in the series from that 2022 Norris Lake trip was my break up with my ex-girlfriend, Gabby. But because of how bad that ear infection was, and since I've had trouble since the Hatteras trip, I knew I wanted to get my ear checked out when it was not infected at some point. At the beginning of this summer (2023), I knew that my family was going to Colorado, and we would be going white water rafting, and then we would be returning to Norris Lake a couple weeks later. Not wanting to repeat the events of “Swimmer's Ear,” I went to the doctor who gave me my tubes when I was a kid.

It was at the beginning of June when I had my ENT appointment. Dr. Blaze didn't recognize me, as I had been so young when he put in my tubes, but I did vaguely remember him. I explained to him what had been ailing me, and when I reminded him that I had had tubes, he explained everything to me.

“There are three layers of the eardrum,” he explained. “The top layer is naturally comparable to packing paper, but after healing from tubes, it's like saran wrap.”

That painted the picture for me. As soon as Nicholas had dunked my head…Pop. He suggested that I get surgery in the fall so I could go swimming and gave me ear drops to survive the summer. At the beginning of the school year, I had a follow-up appointment and scheduled the surgery for November 30th, 2023. For those of you who are following me live, you know that that is today.

Literally, all I am doing before the surgery is uploading this installment and releasing it on social media. I'm mostly making this installment as exposition for the next one. I hate to admit it, but I'm honestly a little nervous. The only thing that's getting me through it, besides praying, is knowing that next week, assuming that I've recovered enough to write and record, I can post an installment that is completely centered on my actions when I'm coming off of the anesthesia! See you then!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Season 6: Thanksgiving Special: Here’s To The Next 5 Years

 Here’s To The Next 5 Years

The day before Thanksgiving, November 22nd, my Aunt Eva, Grandpa (Pop-pop), his friend Sara, my brothers Ryan, Luke, and Josh, Mom, Dad, and I, had lunch at the North Market in downtown Columbus. Once we had finished eating, I pulled my phone out and I had a Facebook notification. It was a Facebook memory from Thanksgiving five years ago. My Aunt Cyndi had posted three photos from our Thanksgiving party that year.

The first picture was of my brothers, me, my cousins, Alex, Maci, Nicholas, Ellie, and Cyndi's son Cameron, eating Thanksgiving dinner. The second was of Ryan, Josh, Cameron, and me. The third picture was a group shot of everyone who had come. In addition to those who were already mentioned, Mom, Dad, Pop-pop, Eva, my Mom's mom (Nimba), her husband (Papa) and his mom, Aunt  Melissa and Uncle Andy, and Cyndi's daughter Caitlynn were in the picture.

The fact that these pictures were from five years ago was very significant. At that time, I was writing a book about my life called Rules for a Greattastic Life. It was basically a diary written in chapter form. I was struggling to write it because I didn't know what parts would be important for the climax and resolution. My “sister,” August, had recently started a blog called Wild Aster. Inspired by her, I deleted the manuscript of the book and started writing The Greattastic Adventures series about my childhood. In January 2019, I started Rules for a Greattastic Life as a blog!

While I briefly referenced Wild Aster in my first blog, I didn't mention what happened to it in real-time. In the summer of 2019, August worked at a summer camp and didn't have internet access, so Wild Aster died. After that happened, I was a little paranoid that this series would have the same fate, but obviously, it hasn't. In fact, I would not be where I am today if it were not for this blog/podcast!

Firstly, this series led me to do public speaking at my old school, Haugland. That led me to get a job working with kids on the spectrum, both with that company and the company that bought them out, New Story. Secondly, I started public speaking in her class once my family friend, Dr. Brooks, discovered this series. This led me to speak at OCALICONLINE twice, join the Council for Exceptional Children of Ohio’s board, and be a keynote speaker. I have big plans for my advocacy career that I will be announcing soon!

As I looked at those three pictures, I thought about my life over the course of these last five years. Not just the professional part of it but also all of the amazing times I have had in the past five years! I am so thankful for all of the people who have allowed me to spread my message, and I am also thankful for all the people who have helped me live a… well, Greattastic life!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Season 6 Whats The Dream? Blog 28: OCALICONLINE 2023- How Far I've Come

 OCALICONLINE 2023- How Far I've Come

As you may recall, last year I spoke at OCALICONLINE. It was a goal that I had been trying to reach since I started public speaking with Dr. Brooks in 2019. This led to me being a keynote speaker this past June (Keynote). While I was selling books at the Keynote conference, I met a woman named Jo Hannah. Jo Hannah is the Director of the Office for Exceptional Children at the Ohio Department of Education, and it just so happens that she went to high school with my mom. Jo Hannah introduced me to her coworker, Joe… I know it's confusing… and they had a proposition for me.

“So for OCALICONLINE, we always have a leaders session,” Joe explained.

“We have someone come in and talk to everybody about their experiences, and we think it would be cool if you and your parents spoke at it this year,” Jo Hannah continued. “What do you think?”

I'm not going to lie to you. I was a little bit hesitant. I did public speaking online through the pandemic, but it wasn't my best work. I kind of need my entire body to convey my message when I'm public speaking. On top of that, the name of the installment that I wrote about speaking at OCALICONLINE 2022 was called “OCALICONLINE- Only One Place I Can Go.” That title is indicative of my thought process. After speaking at OCALICONLINE, the only place I could go was up. I thought doing it again might be a bit of a step back. I thought that it would be more or less the same people coming to hear me speak, and by extension, I would not be helping anyone new. But Jo Hannah and Joe are the most influential people that actually know my name. At the very least, from a networking standpoint, it was only logical for me to say yes.

On August 21st, I had an online meeting with Jo Hannah, Joe, and their other coworker, Monica. Just for a little context, the presentation that I always give is about my education as a kid and then my adult life as someone who works with autistic kids. The plan was for me to change the presentation a little bit. I would insert places for my parents to add their input during my education portion, and Joe wanted me to summarize my adult life, not just the working with autistic kids part. It's lucky that I have a blog and podcast that completely depicts my adult life; I just made a slide to summarize each season.

Last Tuesday, November 14th, I got up early, looked over my presentation one more time, got ready for the day, and drove to Dad's studio, Kobolt. I got to the studio at 9:00 a.m., which was right when we were supposed to be logging on. Mom and Dad were on a laptop in Mom's office, and I set up in the conference room upstairs. Jo Hannah, Joe, my parents, and I ran through all the technical stuff with the audio-visual specialist, and then, at 9:30, people entered the meeting.

The session started with Joe and Jo Hannah giving updates about great things happening in education in Ohio, and once they finished, they introduced Mom, Dad, and me. I'm not going to go over my entire presentation because that would take too long. I will say it was really fun for me to do public speaking with my parents and get their perspective on my childhood. Also, I was sharing my screen, so I couldn't see the Zoom screen, but Mom said that there were 329 people in attendance, and most of them were administrators and principals! After finishing the presentation, we were sent into breakout rooms to discuss and answer questions!

I don't want to undercut my initial OCALICONLINE conference; I would not be where I am today if it were not for that conference. Despite that and my initial hesitancy, OCALICONLINE 2023 was absolutely the superior conference. The first reason is my session during the 2022 conference was a pre-recorded session, and this one was live, which made me feel more involved.

The second reason is more people came! I forget how many people came last year, but I'm pretty sure we didn't break 50. I get that most of that is because of my connection to Jo Hannah and Joe, but whether we're talking about OCALICONLINE or any other public speaking gig, this is the biggest crowd I've ever spoken to! I feel good about how far I’ve come, especially in the last year, and I’m very grateful to all who have shown an interest in my work.

Have a Greattastic day and be safe!

J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Season 6 Whats The Dream? Blog 27: Runs In The Family

 Runs In The Family

I can't believe I'm writing this. I can't believe this happened. I mean, I’m not upset about it. I've secretly wanted this ever since Box Seats played their first show in October of 2021 (Here We Go Again). The only reason I haven't said it out loud is because it seemed so outlandish up until last month. I bet you're all wondering what I'm talking about. Well, as you probably know, Ryan is the lead guitarist in Cousin Simple, Josh is the drummer in Box Seats, and Luke plays in both bands. He's the frontman in Box Seats and the rhythm guitarist in Cousin Simple. As of last Thursday, November 2nd, Cousin Simple and Box Seats have officially played a show together! Before I continue, I also have to explain that the drummer in Cousin Simple, Dave, is also in a band called Magnolia, and they also played.

I picked Noah up at 6:30, and we drove to Natalie’s in Grandview, Ohio. Half of Natalie’s is a restaurant/bar, and the other half is a music venue. When Noah and I arrived at 6:45, we went to the restaurant/bar area and said hi to my family and the families of the other band members. Paige and her parents arrived around 7:20, and at 7:30, everyone moved to the music venue half.

Box Seats opened the show. It was really surreal to see them on such an actual stage. I'm not saying they haven’t done it before, but this was the biggest show that Box Seats has played so far, and it’s the first that I actually think of as a stage, just because I’ve been to so many Cousin Simple shows. Magnolia played next. I had never heard of them before. I will say that I know another person in the band. The lead singer is a guy named Joey, who I've known through Dad for years, and he, Dave, and the rest of the band put on a really good show.

Then Cousin Simple took the stage, and it was amazing! The show started with a bang, as expected. However, Cousin Simple pulled out all the stops. Three main things stood out to me. Firstly, they played a ton of new songs. Before playing one of the songs, Will announced that the specific song was going to be on their new EP in January! They have not released a “collection” of songs since their first album, And We Would Never End, in 2017.

The second thing needs a little bit of an explanation. In 2018, a local university newspaper called The Lantern published an article about Cousin Simple. Along with that article, they released a video. It's still on YouTube. It's called Columbus' Own: Cousin Simple Band. Early in the video, the band performs an acoustic version of one of their songs, Strangers. That song is from their aforementioned previous album, and it is one of my favorite songs on that album. I have always believed that this acoustic version, however, was slightly superior. Don't ask me why; I’ve just always loved it a little more. They had never performed that version live.

In the middle of the show, Will grabbed an acoustic guitar. The remainder of the band stayed on their electric instruments, but I recognized the slower intro of it immediately. I was in a state of euphoria as they finally played an “acoustic Strangers” live! Finally, on another one of their new songs, they brought out a freaking saxophone player! I don't think anyone was emotionally prepared for that; I know I wasn't!

I know that this installment mostly focuses on Cousin Simple, but that is mostly because they were the headliners. The entire night, people were coming up to me, telling me how good my brothers played. This isn't anything new. It happens at every single Cousin Simple and Box Seats. But I was happy because this was the first time “Your brothers played so well” referred to all three of them!

 “Well, it runs in the family!” I responded whenever someone praised them.

Have a Greattastic day, and be safe,

J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Before I end this installment, I would like to congratulate my “sister,” August, and her new husband, Daniel, on the birth of their daughter! I can’t wait to meet her!

Season 8 Goals And Dreams Blog 5: The Fractured Book Cover

  The Fractured Book Cover As I said in my installment, A Writer’s Place , I finished writing my third and fourth books, which are direct se...