Friday, December 13, 2019


Trust is a very important thing. It is instilled in us in our youth and is the cornerstone of any stable relationship. Trust is something my “sisters” have always had a problem with- specifically when it comes to me.

As many of you know, the reason I put quote marks around the word sisters, is because they are actually my neighbors. There are four of them: August, Arden, Aspen, and Arlo Anderson (who I lovingly call “Kid”). Growing up our families were really close until a series of events lead me to start lying about the girls. I eventually made up with the girls, but my lying habit was still pretty strong even after that. It took a lot of hard work, but eventually, I stopped lying and rebuilt the trust in my relationship with my “sisters”... However, I believe that in very specific circumstances it is ok to tell a little lie…

The Saturday before Thanksgiving I was at Kroger, working. I’m a courtesy clerk, which is just a fancy name for bagger and cart retriever. When I walked into the store, there was only one line that did not have a bagger. The cashier who was attending that line was a girl named Natalie and let me tell you, she was beautiful! We talked for a little bit, but I didn't really think I made a good first impression. That is until the following Tuesday.

I was bagging for another cashier on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving when there was a small break in people coming to check out. I asked my cashier a question, and we started having a conversation. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Natalie just staring at me. Ok, Ok I see you, Natalie, I thought to myself. To test out my theory I started saying stupid things in my conversation, and then pretended like they were supposed to be jokes. She laughed at every single thing I said (even though nothing I said was funny).

Arden lives in Colorado as sonographer and Aspen is in Miami Florida for college, and she is in the ROTC program (round of applause). Both of them returned for Thanksgiving and we had the first reunion of the Greattastic Adventurers (guess who came up with the name of our group ;). During our time back together, I told them about Natalie. Now I have met girls at Kroger before… but I always panic and don't ask them out and then they end up in another relationship. My “sisters” convinced me not to make the same mistake this time.

Last Wednesday I ran over to the Anderson's house to tell them some amazing news. “I have a lunch date tomorrow!”

“What!?” August and Kid exclaimed simultaneously, “How?!” I then proceeded to tell them the story: The day before I had been working, and hoping that Natalie would show up. She came about an hour before I was off. I walked up to her, more confident than I've ever been in my entire life.

“Hi, Natalie!” I said.

“Hi, Mitchell!” What's up?” As soon as she said hi, all the confidence drained from my body.

“Well… Ummm… you see… I...I...I  was wondering ...if maybe you wanted ... to hang out... On Thursday… for lunch?”

“Are you trying to ask me out on a date?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.


“Yeah sure, I'm free!”

When I had finished with the story, August and Kid started screaming and jumping on the balls of their feet, then they started coaching me through what I should do on the date. But I wasn't really paying attention, because Natalie is not real. I made her up. I mean the word “lie” is literally in her name. I can hear all of you asking “why would you lie about something like that?” The answer is because everyone tells a little white lie, especially when they have a big surprise planned…

To be continued
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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