Saturday, June 27, 2020

Season 3 The Empire of Friends: Blog 4: Mile 1

Mile 1
Well, it's been a couple weeks, there are a few reasons for the lack of content. 1). As I’ve mentioned a few times I'm working on a top-secret writing project, and I've been spending a lot of time on that. 2). Last weekend was Father's Day, and even though I could have really had this installment in its blog form at that point, I record the podcasts on Sundays, and because it was Father's Day I would not have had time to do that. 3). The obvious one, COVID-19… not a lot is happening in my life right now so there's not a lot to write about. 4). But the big reason I did not write this installment earlier is that I was arguing with myself about if I should even post it. In the end, I decided to include this because it is relevant to the whole making friends story that I'm trying to complete this season. What's the point of having a personal blog/podcast If I’m not open about all of my feelings?

A little over a year ago, while I was studying for finals, I woke up with incredible back pain- Like I legitimately thought it was dying. Mom told me to take a hot shower and that stopped the pain until I turned the water off to get out of the shower, then it came back 10 times worse, to the point where I couldn't even stand up. As Mom was helping me out of the shower she realized that I probably needed to go to the doctor. I was diagnosed with scoliosis and two of my vertebrae are fused together and that what was probably causing the pain. Side note- the scoliosis is nothing to worry about, my spine is only curved at 5 degrees and because I'm almost 23 and I'm done growing It shouldn't get worse…it's just uncomfortable sometimes.

On its own, this was a lot to deal with. Something else was going on in my life at that point. My “sisters” were moving. All the changes in my life with my “sisters” as well as my new physical ailments, started to drain my confidence away. My confidence returned once all three girls had officially moved away because Marshall and I started having our own adventures.  This was the beginning of a newfound excitement in my life! Spending time with someone else who valued my companionship, this was a new chapter!  Except!  As it does!  COVID-19 messed things up once again! Marshall moved away (temporarily…hopefully) for a job. With the full-on lockdown in place, I had no one to hang out with.

 Right before Ohio closed I started going to a therapist. She was deemed an essential worker, and I continued to see her throughout the lockdown. As my confidence tapered away, she helped me realize something.  I have never been good at making friends as a result of my autism, I put a high value on growing the friendships I do have. The problem is by focusing so much energy on building those friendships I lack a lot of self-worth outside of those relationships.

My therapist suggested I start working out and doing yoga, so I recently asked my “sisters” who are temporarily home for the summer, if they wanted to start running with me. They have been trying to get me to work out with them for years so of course, they agreed. 

Me after the first run!
On that first run I ran a mile, August ran two, and Aspen followed in her car…  which was admittedly more intimidating than I anticipated.  Afterwards August and I did yoga. My goal by the end of the summer is to be able to do a 5-mile run. Hopefully, in reaching that goal, I will be able to give myself a little needed confidence boost so I'm not relying on my friends solely for confidence. I’ll grow my confidence one mile at a time!

Have a Greattastic Day! 
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Season 3 The Empire of Friends: Blog 3: Guitar By Firelight

Guitar By Firelight

“Are you sure this was their last location?” I asked Kid from the passenger seat.

“Yes, I'm sure!” she exclaimed, parking the car. We got out of the car and looked around the park for them. At the far end of the park were a few trees that overlooked the Olentangy River. Hanging in the tree was a hammock, and August and her boyfriend, Ben, were beginning to take it down. Kid and I calmly walked past them and August noticed us.

“What are you guys doing here?” she asked.

“We were bored.” Kid replied.

We all sat down by the river and talked for about 20 minutes. When the 20 minutes were over, Kid and I decided to go home and let August and Ben continue on their adventures. Before we left I asked them if they wanted to have a fire that night and everyone agreed.

That night I grabbed my guitar and went over to the Andersons house. When Kid saw that I brought my guitar, she told me to close my eyes. I did as I was told and about 5 minutes later she made a strum on her new electric guitar!

“When did you get that?” I asked.

“Well,” their dad, Rich said, “a guy I know called me up, said his son wasn't using it anymore and asked if I wanted it.” After he told me this he laughed because he knew it fits into my conspiracy theory that he works for the CIA. Rich went and got his guitar, then the three of us started playing together.

Seeing this, Aspen texted August and Ben, and Ben brought his guitar. When August and Ben got there we went to the backyard and started collecting kindling and logs for the fire. We started the fire, made s' mores, told stories, played guitar, and hung out for the first time in what felt like years!

Life has been hard for so many people, including myself, during these last few months as a result of this pandemic. So many mental breakdowns due to the stress of being out of work and not being able to see people. But as I sat around that campfire, playing music with my friends, I was sure of the location.  I was exactly where I needed to be.

Have a Greattastic Day and be safe!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Season 3 The Empire of Friends: Blog 2: Soft Reboot

Soft Reboot
As you may know, I ended season 2 during the COVID-19 quarantine so I could record the blogs that I had already written. I did not want to be releasing content from two different time periods in my life. My original plan for catching the podcast up to my blogs was to wait until August 19th, because I'm actually working on a third project and that is the day that I plan to announce it. When the coronavirus hit, I decided to change my plans a little bit because I had more free time. The problem is COVID-19 changed so much in my life personally that you, my audience, might get kind of lost in my next installment if I don't explain it…and if I put this in my next installment it would make it really really long…. so yeah, here you go:

Because he was such a big part of season 2, it seems only fitting that I start this summary off with Marshall. As I’ve mentioned a lot, I grew up next door to four girls, who I love like “sisters”. The older two girls worked with Marshall and introduced him to me. Three out of the four girls moved away and Marshall and I started hanging out together a lot after the move. He even orchestrated the most convoluted series of surprises I have ever been involved in. When the stay at home order was issued, Marshall left Columbus and went back to Cleveland, to be with his family. During the crisis, he was offered a temporary job at Battelle and got placed in Colorado… As if that state hasn't taken enough from me already! From what I understand he's only supposed to be there for the summer, but I really don't know what's going on right now, so I'll update you later.

August and Aspen
My four “sisters” are named, August, Arden, Aspen, and Arlo (Kid) Anderson. Arden moved to Colorado this time last year. At the end of last summer, Aspen moved to Miami, Florida for school and was in the ROTC program. Kid will be a junior in high school next year and August graduated from OSU in the winter. Shortly after her graduation, August moved in with Arden while she looked for a job. However, because of COVID-19 she could not get a job and ended up moving back home, for the time being. When her college shut down Aspen also returned to Columbus for the summer.

To Be Continued…

Season 8 Goals And Dreams Blog 5: The Fractured Book Cover

  The Fractured Book Cover As I said in my installment, A Writer’s Place , I finished writing my third and fourth books, which are direct se...