Saturday, April 29, 2023

Season 6 What's The Dream? Blog 8: Meet (Half Of) The Andersons

 Meet (Half Of) The Andersons

I spent the next two weeks after Cousin Simple played at the Newport working on publishing my second book, "Once In A Lifetime: A Song For Sam." As a result, I could not hang out with Paige until St. Patrick's Day. We went to Seesaw, which is a local restaurant and Bar/club, and it was here that we had our first kiss. St. Patrick's Day was on a Friday this year, and Paige and I set up dates for that Sunday (March 19th) and the following Thursday (March 23rd).

Now shortly after my "sister" August broke up with her boyfriend, Ben, last year, she started dating a guy named Daniel. Well, in late February, August found out that she was pregnant! On March 25th, August flew to Columbus for the weekend to tell Kid, their parents, and me the news. However, once she was in town, she decided not to. I went over for dinner that night, and August said she'd given up alcohol for Lent. This wouldn't have been a big deal, but we are a very suspicious group of people. I think August was worried that we would figure it out if we thought about it too much. So she turned the focus on my love life.

"So Mitchie," she asked, "how are things going with you and this Paige girl?"

"Really well!" I said. After that, I told them about the wonderful three dates that we had had.

"When are we going to meet her?" Kid asked when I had finished.

When I first introduced the girls to my friend Noah, all four of my "sisters" were in town. Each girl is crazy on her own, but when they're together, they feed off each other and get crazier. When Noah first met them, he didn't like them because it was overstimulating. But after he's met them individually, everyone's cool. After this event, I decided to only introduce my friends and or significant others to my "sisters" one at a time. So out of the previous two girls I've dated in my adult life, Aspen is the only one who has met one of them.

Not wanting to miss out this time, August found Paige on Instagram, followed Paige, and once she accepted the request, August Dmd her. She asked if Paige would be willing to go out to brunch with her, Kid, and me, and Paige said yes. Mostly to mess with me; after the date was secured, August and Kid started chanting, "We're gonna steal your girlfriend, we're gonna steal your girlfriend!"

The following day, when I picked Paige up to go to Northstar, I told her, "Okay, so I don't think they're going to be too crazy because we're going to be in public, but just so you know how potentially crazy this could get, last night they were both chanting, 'We're gonna steal your girlfriend.'"

She immediately responded, "Well, they might!"

If I'm being completely honest, August would have done this whether or not she needed to distract us from her big news. This is just the kind of thing that she would do… But the day after this brunch, I went on spring break to Cadillac, Michigan, for the week, and then Chicago that weekend. August would finally call me the following Sunday (April 2nd), right when I was getting ready to head to O'Hare Airport, to tell me that she's pregnant. All this to say, during my entire spring break, I didn't know August's intentions for the branch. Since I thought it was just normal August behavior, I thought it was only fair that I get my revenge and meet Paige's best friend.

To Be Continued…

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Season 8 Goals And Dreams Blog 5: The Fractured Book Cover

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