Saturday, February 22, 2020

Season 2 The Coronapocalypse: Blog 6: 4 Marshalls and a Fiddle

Four Marshalls and a Fiddle

When I first met Marshall it was through two of my “sisters”. August and Arden got a job at a local bakery. While there, they met Marshall and his roommate at the time, Ricky. The two boys became very close with August and Arden and they all went on adventures together that I tagged along on.

For a long time, Arden has been playing the violin. It came up very early in our friendship that Marshall wanted to learn how to play. He had an old one that wasn't in very good condition, so he went to the store and got a new one. Arden taught him for a while, but their schedules didn't line up often enough so Marshall eventually got a teacher.

For the last 4 months, Marshall has been taking violin lessons. Unfortunately, the lessons became a little too expensive. He still played, but he needed to find someone who could mentor him in the art of playing the violin.

About a month ago, I went to the Civil War ball with Marshall, Arden’s best friend Jane, and a group of her friends. While we sashayed away and my monocle went missing, there was another situation developing. The band that was playing the Civil War era music that we were all dancing to, was a group of older people and two of them were violinist.

When the dance was over, Marshall walked up to the two violinists and introduced himself. This was when he learned that both the violinist names were Marshall. The three Marshalls got to talking and the older Marshalls told mine they are part of a folk music group that gets together on the first Wednesday of the month, and every Sunday night. 

On the first Wednesday of this month, we went to the bar where they meet. Everyone sat on a stage in a little circle, with their instrument at the ready. Marshall found himself a little seat and when the group started playing he started playing by ear.

As I watched I saw a man who was also sitting and watching. I walked up to him and introduced myself. “Hello,” I said extending my hand, “my name is Mitchell.” 

“Hey,” the man said shaking my hand, “my name is Marshall.”

I told my Marshall what just happened and his response was, “It's a sign from above!” I believe that things happen for a reason. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and know that you're going to end up where you need to be.

Have a Greattastic day!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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