Sunday, March 15, 2020

Season 2 The Coronapocalypse: Blog 10: Mitchell and Sam Best Friends Forever!

Mitchell and Sam Best Friends Forever!

Hey guys! As you might know, today is a very important day. It is S.M’s 22nd birthday. Last year I made a blog post about her on her birthday (and the podcast for that blog will be out in a few weeks), but I didn't want to write another blog about her this year. Not because I couldn't think of anything to say (if you get me started on her I will never shut up), but because I wasn't the only person she touched. From now on every year for her birthday, I'm going to ask someone who loved her or has been touched by her to write a blog for me. For this first year, I have chosen a person who still to this day, fights to keep her legacy alive. Of course, I'm talking about her mother. I've already taken up too much time. Without further ado, Nikki McCarthy:

Perhaps I should start by introducing myself!  Not only am I S.M.’s mom but I am also the Founder of a nonprofit called Sam’s Fans.  If you read this blog you are likely familiar with what we do to support music and art therapy programs for seriously ill children and their families. I don’t want to talk too much about that so if you want to learn more go to

Thank you, Mitchell, for the gift you have given me to write about Sam today.  It seems like a significant day today, her 22nd birthday. It is not 21 or 25 or anything special but 22.  She was 11 when she left us and it will be 11 years in October that she has been gone… after that, we will forever be going in the direction of more years lost than what we had… does that make sense?

The friendship that you and Sam shared was an incredibly special one.  It was love. A love rooted in a friendship that started in Kindergarten.  You were there for each other all the time and I have the fondest memories of after school playdates using your imaginations and making up games only the two of you knew about!  I recall how you would protect each other and be the one the other could ALWAYS count on and I know that meant so much to both of you. The faith that you shared back then was and is still so strong and nothing was going to shake it and I think it is something that carried her through the hardest times as it has for you.

Unfortunately, I do have some regrets as I look back.  I wish that we had done a better job of keeping your friendship together after we moved away.  I wish we had not lost touch over those years. It makes me sad that you were not able to see Sam as much as you both probably needed to.  I am sure you remember but I can’t even recall how and when you came back into my life but I am so glad you did. Now the friendship I share with you is yet another connection to Sam. I often forget that so many other people lost someone they loved when Sam died and how it impacts their lives differently than mine. You show me that every day and your uninhibited love for her and your friendship has helped me be more vulnerable and open and I am grateful for that.  I have watched you grow so much over the last few years and I am so proud of everything you are doing to help others like yourself. Just like S.M, I won’t go there but I imagine the two of you would have done some amazing things together to change the world.

Thank you for forgiving me for being away so long and welcoming back into your life with open arms.  Thank you for being the ambassador for Sam’s Fans that you are!  You are the best volunteer/photographer/videographer/team member/fundraiser and Sam’s Fans out there.  You were probably the first-ever fan of Sam that ever was and I am again, so happy to have you in my life!  Now, let’s go eat some ice cream today and celebrate!!

Insert shameless plug for our social media accounts that you can find on Insta, Facebook and Twitter @samsfans15!  Join us today and indulge in your favorite ice cream to celebrate Sam’s birthday and post your photos with the hashtag #icecreamwithsam!  We love having new followers too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM and I love you, Mitchell!!

Nikki McCarthy

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