Saturday, March 14, 2020

Season 2 The Coronapocalypse: Blog 9: SNOW-NADO 2020


Because March 13th is Arden’s birthday her dad, Rich, booked a flight for the night of the 12th. He wanted to spend the weekend skiing with her. Knowing this, we bought our tickets so we would leave that morning and not overlap with “dad time”. The problem was that Arden scheduled herself to work all week, so she could go skiing all weekend with Rich. We decided to go to Colorado anyway because we knew that we had the nights to hang out.

During the day we hung out with August. Every day we did a hike of some sort, usually in the mountains. On the night that Marshall and I supprised the girls, I put my coat down because I was hot. I forgot it in Sami’s apartment and during the week she was at work. So I just used one of August’s extra coats.

One day we decided to go on a hike in a place called St. Mary’s glacier. There was a trail and the trail eventually lead to a frozen lake at the base of a mountain. The mountain itself was way too steep to climb up, but there was a secondary trail that went up right next to the mountain that was slightly more manageable… keyword ”slightly”.

The trail was uneven and completely frozen over.  As a result, the ice was uneven as well, so some parts were more slippery than others. We would step on a really slippery spot, and slip down a bit.

“No, No, No!” August yelled at one point.

I looked to where she was yelling and saw a big dog galloping right towards her. It avoided her and started charging me. “Awww.” I said when I probably should’ve been getting out of the way.

“Bye Mitchie!” August laughed as the dog pushed me down the hill a bit.

I eventually caught back up with my friends, and we continued our journey. The top of the mountain was starting to get dark. We saw a couple and I asked them if they thought it was safe to continue going up. They said yes, so we carried on.

Eventually, the couple turned around, but we were so close to the top we thought we could make it. 20 minutes later we were still “so close”, and after another 20 even though we were now on rocks and we could see the very top, August made the call that we should turn around and head back down.

On the way back, August and Marshall were ahead of me. Marshall looked back to check up on me. “It’s coming!” Marshall screamed.

“Mitchell!” August yelled, “look out!!!!”

I turned around and saw a ton of snow, flying through the air heading right for me. I turned back to my friends, and saw the panicked looks on their faces, as everything around me went white. I legitimately thought I died, and said a quick prayer, just as the wind pushed me down the rest of the trail!

When we all got to the bottom, August and Marshall look at me. “People!” I proclaimed dramatically, “We shall tell our grandchildren about how we survived the greattastic snow-nado of 2020!"

 Have a Greattastic Day!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

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