Saturday, July 10, 2021

Season 4 Step 1 Blog 12: Did he just say “Psych”?

 Did He Just Say “Psych”?

I got on the plane in Atlanta on my way back from Greg and Temi's wedding. I knew that on the following Saturday (7/3/2021), I would be getting on another plane at the Cincinnati airport on the way to Colorado. So the day finally arrived, and Aspen picked me up from my house. We drove the hour and 40 minutes to Marshall's house, and then we headed right to the airport.

Now I checked a bag, and Marshall thought it was a carry-on, so we got to the airport a little later than we probably should have. The line to check the bag was incredibly long. The only reason we actually made our flight was that almost everyone in the line was on the flight to Denver. When the people behind the counter figured that out, they opened up more lines. Still, we were some of the last people on the plane.

Marshall and Aspen sat together, and I sat between two ladies, one set of seats in front of them and in the other aisle. The plane took off on time, and we didn't run into any issues until we were approaching Denver. "Attention ladies and gentlemen," the Captain said over the intercom, "There is some weather over Denver so we are going to have to circle around a couple of times because for those of you who aren't familiar with aerodynamics we can't just stop the plane!"

I thought that was kind of rude because I would assume it's common knowledge that you can't stop a plane in mid-air… But, I don't know, maybe that's with me. So, we spent the next 20 minutes circling around the skies of Colorado until, eventually, he told us that we were finally going to land.

The lady who sat in the window seat opened her window shade which I really appreciated because I love watching the plane land. I watched as we slowly got closer to the ground, and I heard the wheels come out. When we were right above the runway, I was so excited to finally be back in Colorado. The wheels touch the ground, but suddenly without warning, the plane pulled up, and we started flying again!

"What?" Every passenger said in unison.

"Psych!" The Captain said over the intercom a few seconds later.

A few people throughout the plane laughed at that, including me. "I'm sorry," the lady in the window seat said, "Did he just say 'psych'?"

At that point, I realized how mad most of the plane was about our current predicament. So we circled for yet another 20 minutes. When we landed, the pilot finally explained that he had overshot the runway, so there wasn't enough room for him to slow down. I get why everyone was mad, but at least we didn't crash into the side of the airport!

To Be Continued...

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