Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Blog 1: Love and Prayers

Christmas Blog 1: Love and Prayers
I'm in the choir at my church. Every year I sing at the 10 pm Christmas Eve Mass. This year my choir friends and I sang out as we always do and as always, I loved it. Directly after Mass, my family and I drove home. My brothers and I exchanged gifts and then we went to bed excited for the next day!

On Christmas morning we prayed the rosary as a family, and then my brothers and I ran downstairs to open our presents. I got a wristwatch, and a lot of stuff for me to start my podcast. After we had all opened up presents, we thanked our parents and hung out for about an hour. Next, I went over to my “sisters” house and we hung out and enjoyed the rest of the morning together.

Every year for Christmas we go to my Aunt Melissa's house for dinner. There we share some of our family traditions. One of those is the white elephant exchange. For those of you unfamiliar with the game, here is how it works: Everybody brings a few gifts. Usually small things, mostly things found around the house. All the participants sit down and roll dice- five, seven, eleven get you a new gift, doubles, you steel a gift, and snake eyes, you have to give a gift away. Once a gift has been stolen three times, the person who stole it the last time gets to keep the gift.

About 6 years ago my Aunt Cyndi introduced a gag gift. An ugly women's fuzzy white sweater. The sweater has been reappearing every year since! The first year the sweater was “won” by my Uncle Bob. It was so funny to see him receive the sweater, I think it is the memory of that first time that has kept the sweater in rotation to this day. After the adults (including myself) do their white elephant exchange, then the kids do theirs.

Another game that we always play is Blackjack with my Uncle Andy. He is always the dealer. He gives us around $10 to start out with. I'm pretty sure he started playing it with us kids to teach us to never go to Vegas. I’ve never made too much money, but once I'm a little ahead I always drop out so I can keep what I have made. It's really fun to watch everyone else go crazy as he wins his money back!

Christmas and the holidays, in general, is time for family and friends to be together. I was fortunate enough to spend this Christmas with my family. Unfortunately, not all families got to do that. My brother Ryan went to grade school with a girl named Savannah. Her little sister is named Kiera. Kiera is 13 years old and has been missing since Sunday night. She was last seen near Livingston Ave. and Alum Creek Dr. area of Columbus, Ohio, wearing a black Adidas hoodie and leggings. If anyone in the area has information please call the police. I can't imagine what Savannah and her family are going through right now, but I know that they need our support. My family will be sending love and prayers to hers and I hope you will join us.
Be safe. 
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Right Where We Left Off

Right Where We Left Off

After we picked her up at the airport, Arden, August, Marshall, and I went downtown for about 2 hours.  By the time we had dropped Marshall off at home, and drove all the way back to Clintonville, it was 2:30 a.m!

We didn't want to wake up everyone at their house and ruin the surprise, so Arden slept in my family's guest bedroom. Aspen was flying home from Florida the next day, so we planned on surprising everyone then.

Aspen got home around 12:00 noon. When she texted me that she was home, Arden and I prepared ourselves. We went over the plan one last time, and then we put it into action. I called Arden on my phone, put it on speaker, put it in my pocket and ran next door.

Aspen and Barbara (August, Arden, Aspen, and Kid’s mom), greeted me in the kitchen. Aspen and I screamed and hugged each other. After things died down, they started questioning me about the night before.

“Did you get to go into the control tower?” Barbara asked, suspicious about my story that got us to the airport.

“No, my friend didn't show up.” I said. This made them even more suspicious, because as I stated before we didn't get home till 2:30 a.m. As they started to question me more, I changed the subject, to save the surprise.

“Hey Aspen, I need a video for the blog’s Social Media… Can you video me?”

She got her phone out and started to video. I wrote a song about my friendship with the girls a few years back. It's basically just our story. I change the bridge of this song based on what is happening in our lives at the time.

I started singing the song, and when I got to the bridge I said, “And now she is coming back from Colorado, I would have told you earlier, but we wanted it to be a surprise so…” As soon as I finish the bridge, Arden walked into the house. Everything got really quiet, for a second, and then it got really, really loud!

We would surprise the rest of her family and her best friend that night and the next day respectively. We didn't really do much over the weekend besides be with each other. But that was all I needed…one last hurrah.

I will always be friends with my “sisters” and they will absolutely come up from time to time, but the last 6 months have basically just been me living in the past. Feeling sorry for myself because all my friends are gone, or are about to leave. I think it's time that I stop doing that, branch out and just live my life-  instead of crying because a chapter has ended. Because even though they're gone, whenever we get back together, we can pick up right where we left off.

Have a Greattastic day!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri.

Monday, December 16, 2019

12 O’Clock Midnight

12 O’Clock Midnight
8:52 pm-  Arden texted me and said that she had just gotten back on the plane. I didn't check my phone until after Lily and I finished cleaning the milk cooler about 20 minutes later. I texted her back as soon as I saw it and then I finished the last hour of my shift. During that last hour, Arden never texted me back, so I had to assume that she was in the air. By the time I made that assumption however, it was time for August and Marshall to pick me up. I did not have time to think of a way to stall them, without sounding suspicious.

Flying from Denver to Columbus takes approximately 3 hours. I got in the car and realized how hard the next 2 hours were going to be.  August was up since 3:00 am that morning, so she was tired. She also told me that her parents had started to doubt that my made-up “friend from work”  could to get us into the control tower at the airport.

The whole time we were on our way to the airport, both Marshall and August were asking me if my friend was responding. This was a reasonable question, after all, that’s why we were going. When we got to the airport parking lot August said, “if he doesn't respond in 20 minutes we are leaving.”   We talked the whole 20 minutes away in what felt like two minutes. I still had no plan on how to keep them there. Thank goodness, Marshall had to go to the bathroom!

We drove to the McDonald's across the street and we tried to get in. The store was locked.  Because he’s a guy... I mean, when you got to go you got to go. He started walking around the back of the building and August went back to the car. I followed Marshall because I knew this would be my only chance.

“Marshall” I whispered, “I have to tell you something, but you can’t tell August. Ok?”


“Arden is coming, but her flight got delayed!”

Marshall had the biggest smile on his face. When we got back in the car we went through the drive-through, and then we just sat in the parking lot and Marshall and I distracted August for another hour!

It was 11:30 now “Angry August” was out to play. Do you know when Bruce Banner turns into the Incredible Hulk? That was “Angry August”. She started to pull out of the parking lot against our will. Marshall, feeling helpless said that he had to go to the bathroom again. This time he insisted that he had to go inside. She glared at him and reluctantly drove to a hotel visible from the McDonalds.

He stepped out of the car and August warned me that we were leaving as soon as he got back in. So I texted him and told him to stay in as long as possible. We made it to about 11:50 before August yelled, “that's it we are leaving!”

“No, you can’t!” I yelled back as she started to pull away, “he’s your friend!"

“I don’t care, he can Uber home!” but the "friend" comment stopped her. The next 10 minutes was a long screaming match between me and August.

“August just hang on!” I said this trying to stay calm, but inside I was panicking. “My friend is going to pull through we’re going to get into the air traffic control tower and it’s gonna be worth it!”

“It’s almost midnight, there’s no way this is going to work! Shut up!!!!”

Now the day before Arden had been FaceTiming August. Arden had been working extra shifts so she could fly here so she was really tired. Her mind was kind of turned off, and she told August that her friend was taking her to the airport. As soon as she made the mistake Arden covered it up by saying, “oh yeah Sami and I are going to Seattle!” At the time it worked, but after 10 minutes of me yelling, “it’s going to be worth it!” August started to put the pieces together.

“Arden is coming, isn’t she?”

Defeated by now, I said,  “Yes.”

“I’m gonna kill you!”

Literally, a minute after I spilled the beans, Arden texted and told me she was here. I called Marshall, and we drove back to the airport. The whole way there August was still obviously angry. But as soon as Arden walked out of the airport she couldn't do anything but smile. August, Marshall, and I got out of the car and we all started screaming and hugging each other and let me tell you...

It was Greattastic!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Sunday, December 15, 2019



“Are you excited?” mom asked as she drove me to Kroger last Thursday. Of course, I was excited, I'd been planning this for months. Or rather Arden has been planning this for months. Let me explain: When I was in Colorado visiting Arden, she told me that she was going to come back home for August’s graduation from OSU. We hatched a plan for how we were going to surprise everyone

I would tell hem that I met a girl, and that I asked her out. Then the Thursday before August’s graduation (which was last Thursday) I would hang out with our good friend Marshall after work. I would tell him to go to the airport, where we would pick up Arden. I would then text August and Kid, and tell them that Marshall and I were hanging out with “Natalie” and that she wanted to meet them, and we were on our way to the house. Of course, when we got back everyone would go crazy and it would be awesome!

We had to change the plan a little bit because Marshall’s car had to go to the shop (it's a long story, don't ask). We decided that I would tell August and Marshall that I knew a guy from work, who I told about my “feelings” for Natalie, and that he works part-time at the airport. I would tell them that he thought it would be a cool date if I took her to the air traffic control tower,  and if I wanted to check it out with a few friends I could (I know, not very realistic, but I went with it). Both Marshall and August’s need for adventure would get the best of them and we would be on our way…

Everything was on track until about 8:20 when I got a call from Arden: “Hey flight has been delayed…and I think it might get canceled.” When I realized that there was a chance that our plan would not happen, I felt really sick. Arden said that she would stay at the airport, and she would text me with details.

I clocked back in and went on my cart shift l. All I wanted to do was scream and cry and just completely shut down. One of my friends at work, Connor saw that I was upset. He couldn’t calm me down, so he went inside to get help, from our other friend Lily.

My boss called me inside and told me to clean the milk cooler. As I was walking back my friend Lily (who was on her break) found me. Just as a refresher, Lily is the girl who I accidentally broke the front door with. “Mitchell, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I said dryly.

“It’s not nothing, I literally have never seen you like this!”

“It’s just August is leaving next month, and Aspen is coming home tomorrow, but  Arden’s flight is delayed and it might get canceled. This weekend was probably going to be the last time we would all be together for a long time…it just sucks!”

Lily hugged and told me that everything would work out. She knew that I knew she was right because most of the time, I’m the positive one between the two of us.

I was originally only going to write two blogs this weekend, but I had to add this one in at the last minute (there will be another one tomorrow). The reason is wanted to add this one is because there is an important lesson here. It’s common for people on the autism spectrum to have “break downs”. Personally, I usually don’t, but obviously, it’s possible. Honestly, I think most people do, but “normal“ people are better at hiding it. As long as you have a good friend to get you through it, everything is going to be alright.

When I was slightly calmer, Lily helped me clean the milk cooler and as this was happening Arden texted me that she was boarding again…
To be Continued
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Friday, December 13, 2019


Trust is a very important thing. It is instilled in us in our youth and is the cornerstone of any stable relationship. Trust is something my “sisters” have always had a problem with- specifically when it comes to me.

As many of you know, the reason I put quote marks around the word sisters, is because they are actually my neighbors. There are four of them: August, Arden, Aspen, and Arlo Anderson (who I lovingly call “Kid”). Growing up our families were really close until a series of events lead me to start lying about the girls. I eventually made up with the girls, but my lying habit was still pretty strong even after that. It took a lot of hard work, but eventually, I stopped lying and rebuilt the trust in my relationship with my “sisters”... However, I believe that in very specific circumstances it is ok to tell a little lie…

The Saturday before Thanksgiving I was at Kroger, working. I’m a courtesy clerk, which is just a fancy name for bagger and cart retriever. When I walked into the store, there was only one line that did not have a bagger. The cashier who was attending that line was a girl named Natalie and let me tell you, she was beautiful! We talked for a little bit, but I didn't really think I made a good first impression. That is until the following Tuesday.

I was bagging for another cashier on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving when there was a small break in people coming to check out. I asked my cashier a question, and we started having a conversation. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Natalie just staring at me. Ok, Ok I see you, Natalie, I thought to myself. To test out my theory I started saying stupid things in my conversation, and then pretended like they were supposed to be jokes. She laughed at every single thing I said (even though nothing I said was funny).

Arden lives in Colorado as sonographer and Aspen is in Miami Florida for college, and she is in the ROTC program (round of applause). Both of them returned for Thanksgiving and we had the first reunion of the Greattastic Adventurers (guess who came up with the name of our group ;). During our time back together, I told them about Natalie. Now I have met girls at Kroger before… but I always panic and don't ask them out and then they end up in another relationship. My “sisters” convinced me not to make the same mistake this time.

Last Wednesday I ran over to the Anderson's house to tell them some amazing news. “I have a lunch date tomorrow!”

“What!?” August and Kid exclaimed simultaneously, “How?!” I then proceeded to tell them the story: The day before I had been working, and hoping that Natalie would show up. She came about an hour before I was off. I walked up to her, more confident than I've ever been in my entire life.

“Hi, Natalie!” I said.

“Hi, Mitchell!” What's up?” As soon as she said hi, all the confidence drained from my body.

“Well… Ummm… you see… I...I...I  was wondering ...if maybe you wanted ... to hang out... On Thursday… for lunch?”

“Are you trying to ask me out on a date?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.


“Yeah sure, I'm free!”

When I had finished with the story, August and Kid started screaming and jumping on the balls of their feet, then they started coaching me through what I should do on the date. But I wasn't really paying attention, because Natalie is not real. I made her up. I mean the word “lie” is literally in her name. I can hear all of you asking “why would you lie about something like that?” The answer is because everyone tells a little white lie, especially when they have a big surprise planned…

To be continued
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Saturday, November 30, 2019

New Best Friend

New Best Friend

According to Google a friend “is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.” As someone with autism, it is really hard for me to make friends and as of late I really haven’t been seeing the point of even trying. It just kind of feels like a dead end.

I think that even though I’ve been trying really hard I just can’t seem to make any connections. There are only 5 exceptions to this rule- my four “sisters“and my best friend Samantha McCarthy (or S.M. As I lovingly call her).

The big problem is that I don’t actually know how to make friends. S.M. and I were in first grade when we became friends and she is the kindest person I’ve ever met. I think she knew I had no idea what I was doing, so she tried building a friendship with me but unintentionally made me fall in love with her. I’m happy that it happened, but all I had to do was show up she literally did the rest.

Now that, of course, leaves my “sisters”. And while I had a lot more to do with that friendship, it wasn’t really positive. We were friends growing up until I hurt them. The actual building of our friendship was incredibly complicated because they didn’t trust me anymore. The entire thing was about rebuilding the trust in the relationship, not the relationship in and of itself.

Of course, these are not the only friends I have made. One of the most recent friends I have made is a guy named Connor Woodland. I met “Woody” at Kroger where we are both employed.

Now there is this lady, who comes into Kroger all the time. I don’t know if she knows me, from church, school, or if she just comes to the store a lot, but she knows me somehow. She always comes up to me and says “Hi Mitchell, how are you?” The first time she did it I thought she would tell me where she was from when she was introducing herself… but now its been two years and I have no idea what her name is.

One day Woody and I were taking back items that customers had left behind. In the middle of this process, lovingly referred to as “go-backs”,  we saw the lady. We had our normal interaction and Woody looked at me very confused.

“Who was that?”

“I have no idea.” I said, “This must be how popular people feel, confused when they don't know people's names.”

And then Woody said something I will never forget, “Well, you'll always be popular to me! You’re my best friend!” I wasn't ready for him to say that, but he said it so sincerely, I knew that maybe just maybe, there is still a chance for me to make new friends.

Have a Greattastic day!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Blog 2: I Got Mugged By My Family!

Thanksgiving Blog 2: I Got Mugged By My Family!
For the last 24 years, my aunt Eva and my grandpa, known to us as Pop-Pop, come up from Florida for thanksgiving. This year she brought someone else with her- her fiancé Zach. Zach is a welcome addition to the family and to this thanksgiving tradition.

We have so many awesome traditions throughout the holidays, the creepy Halloween decorations, the family gatherings for thanksgiving, the cookie making at Christmas. But there’s one thing that I hope never becomes a tradition in my household- the toilet challenge.

To understand the toilet challenge you must first understand my brother Luke. You know that kid in your middle school/high school class who had absolutely no sense of shame? The class clown who is willing to do literally anything (no matter how stupid it sounds) just to laugh and make other people laugh… that’s Luke. He comes up with these ideas that are really dumb, but because of the way he executes them they’re hilarious.

The most recent example of this is the toilet challenge. Luke’s Idea was to have two people sit on two separate toilets (fully clothed) for as long as they could-no phones, no magazines, no human interaction. The first person to get up loses.

Mom’s immediate family lives in central Ohio, so they (or most of them always) come to our house for Thanksgiving. While this side of the family is much bigger than depicted here, the important characters of this story are as follows: My aunt Melissa and uncle Andy,  their four kids, Alex, Macy, Nicholas, and Ellie, and my aunt Cyndi.

Somehow, the kids managed to raise $53 from the adults, I'll never understand how they pulled that off. The winner of the toilet challenge wins the money. It took about an hour of preparation for the toilet challenge itself (figuring out rules, who is competing, etc…), and during that time the $53 mysteriously went missing!

As soon as they discovered the money was missing, the kids went crazy and started their interrogations... Not going to lie, I was kind of being a jerk and egging them on. Once it came time for my interrogation, Maci began with the questions and I said, “I don't have the money”, t which point I winked at her. She quickly alerted the others and things just went downhill from there. I saw Nicholas, Luke, and Josh charging me. “Oh no!” I exclaimed as they tackled me. They pulled my wallet out and realized I actually didn't have the money. People were now very confused and they had no idea what happened to the money.

Now, as all this was going on aunt Cyndi, aunt Melissa, and mom had decided to start a spontaneous karaoke session. The first song they sang was “I Want to Be Rich”, by Calloway. For those of you who don't know (I had never heard this song before the incident), the chorus goes like this: I want money, lots and lots of money, I want the pie in the sky. I want money, lots and lots of money, so don’t go asking me why. I wanna be rich…”. As soon as that part of the song started Cyndi started “Making it rain” with the missing $53! and everyone went crazy. 

While that whole situation is completely ridiculous…isn't that what Thanksgiving is about? Embracing the weirdest of your family, and being happy that you are all together. And while its good that we have a day to celebrate that, I think it's something that people forget about throughout the rest of the year. So throughout this next year try to keep that thanksgiving spirit with you.

Hope you had a greattastic Thanksgiving!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Blog 1:The First Friendsgiving

Thanksgiving Blog 1:The First Friendsgiving
Up until a week ago, I had never heard of Friendsgiving… although the concept is pretty straightforward. The lead singer of Cousin Simple’s (Will’s) family decided to host a Friendsgiving party. Josh, mom, dad, Pop-pop (my grandpa from Florida), and I got out of the car and walked towards the house.

I didn't think that there would be as many people in the house as there were. There were people I never even seen before, and this really excited me. I started walking around and talking to people and I was enjoying myself.

I talked to a most of the members of the band, and their siblings/parents, a few of my friends' parents, and a ton of people who I didn’t know until this party.

At one point, I was having a normal conversation and I looked up to see this huge spider decoration left up from Halloween. Not gonna lie, it scared the living crap out of me!

I had a lot of fun talking to new people and hanging out with old friends. I hope that this becomes a yearly tradition because it was really fun! When the party ended, we all got into the car and drove to the airport…

To be continued
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Live For Today

Live For Today

Two of my “sisters”, August and Arden, used to work at a little bakery. While there, they made a lot of friends, including two guys. Let’s call them Ricky and Marshall. These guys had been friends for a long time and they were roommates at that time.

The five of us (August, Arden, Ricky, Marshall, and myself) had many adventures together. Rock climbing, a few festivals, and a trip to Canada for my 21st birthday. Ricky, Marshall and I took classes together at Columbus State. Ricky has since moved out of state, Arden is in Colorado (duh). But from time to time August, Marshall and I hang out. 

We found out this week that Marshall had a first date with a girl last week, and because August and I both live vicariously through the relationships of others (#Thirdwheelandproud) we decided to help him plan his second.

August picked me up from Kroger on Thursday night, and we met Marshall at the top of our street. We drove around downtown Columbus trying to scope out adventurous things that they could do. 

I sat shotgun so I was in charge of the music. Throughout our whole drive, we went through the musical stylings of Taylor Swift, The Killers, Mat Kearney, Billy Joel, and a few others. It was really funny because while August and I knew most of the words to most of the songs, Marshall didn't really know them. He decided to look them up on the internet and come in mid-song, but it was slightly off-key or offbeat and I just couldn't stop laughing.

Towards the end of the night, we got a little snack and found a rooftop that we could all get on to. We just sat on the rooftop, laughed and watched as the clouds rolled on by. I looked at August, and I suddenly felt sad. I felt sad because I know what is coming in a few months. There is no changing this, it is going to happen.

August has just accepted a job out of state. She has temporarily worked out of state before, but this is a huge change. She’s graduating next month and then she’ll be gone. She will probably come back in three months, but only for a little bit. I can’t stop thinking about all of the great adventures that all of my friends and I have had together.  Should I be sad? Is this the end? These feelings are overwhelming. I think it’s time to adjust my thoughts. I’m grateful for the memories we made together! Enjoy the adventures while you can- don’t think about tomorrow, just live for today!

Have a Greattastic day 
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Music, Art,and the Spectrum

Music, Art, and the Spectrum

There are a lot of things you wouldn’t expect when you first meet me. One of them is me being on the spectrum. High-functioning Autism isn’t a true diagnosis but is a term used to refer to people on who can generally live a normal life without much assistance. Growing up my mom just thought I was sensitive and weird for not being able to handle the feeling of denim and certain sounds. After around half a year of therapy for anxiety and depression, a lot of things started to make sense. At first, it was sensory issues, but after a few more weeks of working on it, we realized I was on the spectrum (this was in my freshman year of high school, talk about getting diagnosed just a little late). My autism just tends to show itself as anxiety, depression and obsessive tendencies.

People ask me, a lot, how I often can’t handle a full school day without going into sensory overload and freaking out, but can handle a full concert once or twice a week. I feel like that’s a big thing people don’t understand. There is commotion I can enjoy. Being shoved around in the pit at a concert is an example of that. However, a full day of listening to high schoolers scream is somehow less enjoyable. Who knew! Concerts and music have always been a big part of my life. Just listening to music can take me down from a full breakdown in seconds. General people know music has an effect on you but not how big the effect really is. Music therapy is a big help when it comes to my sensory issues, anxiety and even depression. There is only one time I didn’t enjoy a concert, and it was when I was already having a bad sensory day. I ended up having a panic attack between acts. But as soon as I headed back in everything calmed. I may be sensitive to auditory stimulation in a negative way, but that means I also am in a positive way. Music or the voice of somebody I love can calm me down in almost seconds.

Another big part of my life is art. I spend four periods a day in the art wing of my school. Living with autism, there are many things I often find hard to express. Art is such an easy way to flesh everything you’re feeling out in a healthy way. From abstract painting to sculpture to photography there’s something there for everybody. It helps to calm anxieties I have and even sensory problems I may be having. Creating something that is individual to you is such a good form of expression for anybody with issues in expression, communication or emotional regulation. Putting energy into something that is pretty much an extension of yourself helps your mental state in so many ways.

Finding ways to express things I wouldn’t otherwise be able to has been something so critical after my diagnosis. The affect of music and art in my life is something I am extremely thankful for. Much of the advice I would give to other autistic people who found out they were on the spectrum later in life is to turn to art and music. The basis of both of them is subjects that people often have issues with when on the spectrum. All the thoughts and emotions you have can be pushed into something so positive that may even help other people to express themselves as well. I’ve met so many people through these two mediums over the past year. My communication skills have increased greatly since then. Sometimes all you need is a push out of your comfort zone (which can be hard to find, especially when autistic) to change the course of your Greattastic Life.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Just My Luck!

Just My Luck!
I have been working at Kroger for almost two years now. It’s a job that has its ups and downs. Many of you who have followed me for a while know this. A month into my employment I made a friend, let's call her Lily. Lily started out as a bagger like me, but she was soon promoted to cashier.

Now, Lily and my friendship works because of another friendship that I have. As a refresher I grew up next to four girls, who I now look at as family- therefore I call them my “sisters”. Their father is the most sarcastic person I've ever met. Having hung out at his house religiously for most of my childhood and my teenage years, I have mimicked a lot of his humor. As a result, I'm really sarcastic. (I plan to write a blog about him on New Year's Eve of this year...stay tuned).

Lily is just as sarcastic as I am, except her outlook on life is slightly more negative than mine. When we are working together, we balance each other out. I would also like to point out, that she is probably the only reason I have not been fired yet. Every time I'm about to do something stupid she gives me a look, and I know to rethink my actions.

So on this last Thursday night, I came into work and the carts on both sides of the lot where empty. My boss immediately sent me out on carts and I was there all night. Lily's best friend recently started working with us as a bagger. Her friend has been trained as a cashier for the holiday season.  Lily being the good friend she is didn't want to subject her best friend to the cold of that night so they switched positions.

Lily and I worked tirelessly to try to get all the carts in, but by 9:00 we still weren't done. There are two entrances to Kroger, east and west. At 9:00 you're supposed to lock the east entrance. Because we were not done collecting carts on the east side, we just turned off the electric component of the east sliding doors and decided to open them by hand as we were finishing.

When we finally finished on the east side, we walked back into the cold and were about to head to the other side of the parking lot. This is when we heard cracking. We looked at each other, starting to panic. We slowly turned around and saw that the bottom of the door had cracks all over it.

“Well,” I said, “I think we just got fired.”

“We did not, we didn’t do anything wrong!” Lily replied rolling her eyes, “When we go back inside I'll do all the talking...cuz you're not good at talking when it comes to stuff like this.”

“Hey!” I exclaimed, trying to protest. She raised an eyebrow and I conceited. Just as we were about to walk inside the east door, a neighbor from my street walked up to us. Now she's a very loud person, that's coming from a person who is usually the loudest person in the room.

“Mitchell! she exclaimed, “What did you do?!” The second she finished her sentence the glass inside the door collapsed, as if it was so weak that just the sound of her voice destroyed it. Admittedly some of the laughter that came because of this event was nervous laughter because I was thinking we might get in trouble, but honestly, this was hilarious laughter. Sometimes you shouldn’t say, “Well that's just my luck”, you have to laugh at the ridiculousness and your situation. To all my friends, be positive!

Have a Greattastic Day!
J. Mitchie Ulibarri

Season 8 Goals And Dreams Blog 5: The Fractured Book Cover

  The Fractured Book Cover As I said in my installment, A Writer’s Place , I finished writing my third and fourth books, which are direct se...